Welcome to the world Fantastically Great Women Artists and their Stories! This is the second book in the Fantastically Great Women series aimed at older readers, or readers who would like to learn more about amazing women with the help of a friendly grown up!
I found Artists one particularly intriguing to work on, I always love having a sneaky peek into the lives, sketchbooks and inspirations of other artists. I’ve also been able to further indulge my Frida Kahlo obsession!

It was fun to do all my visual research for this book and to draw other artists’ paintings, it made me look much closer at the way they worked and really appreciate the message they were trying to get across through their art. All the artists in the book had something very important to say …
Australian Aboriginal, Emily Kame Kngwarreye was in her seventies when she first picked dup a paintbrush. She told the stories of her dreaming, her deep connection with the landscape and everything living in it.

Dame Laura Knight didn’t listen when she was told women couldn’t possibly do life drawing! She went on to tell the stories of people living in many different worlds including circus travellers and ballet performers. She was also a war artist during World War II.

Faith Ringgold stitched together the stories of the many diverse communities living in her native New York City, her work gave them a voice and a presence in the art world …

We all have the power to paint our own stories …